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Document Scanning in Sarasota, FL

Digital files are easier to manage and track in Sarasota

Organizations across Sarasota, FL use document scanning to digitize papers into electronic records. This is also called the paperless office. After it is in a digital format, a document is a lot easier to manage. If a document is needed, it is accessible with a basic computer search.

Access to each file can be restricted to particular employees. This secures any document on a workflow basis. Access should be managed to prevent employees from misusing the personal information of customers, vendors, or other employees. Any record has a retention life and an electronic document management software package can instantly erase un-needed records.

Steps to Going Digital in Sarasota

The first step is to work on a record retention plan. Articulate how long to keep each type of document and calculate who needs access to each one. This needs to be published to each user.

Second, it is time to clean out unwanted documents. Have everyone who uses company records identify documents that should be shredded. Also, distribute shredding cans around your office. Have employees organize their records using the company document management policy, and shred all obsolete documents. There is no need to scan documents that aren’t needed.

The third step is to determine what documents are likely to be accessed going forward. The economies of document scanning grow with the number of times the document is used and shared. If it is unlikely to be needed again, then just storing the paper document is the superior option. Everything left is what you should scan.  

Finally, it is time for the physical act of scanning. You can acquire scanners and give the work to your employee. Or you can also look to a scanning service. If you have a box or two of documents to scan, then using an employee will work. But, as you grow, the number of documents to scan can overwhelm your capacity to do the work yourself.

Sarasota Shredding Service can make the digitizing project simple. We work with high-speed scanning service providers who have the experience of doing this type of work every day. The documents are prepared before the scanning and then indexed after the scanning.

Get Free Quotes on Document Scanning Services in your Part of Sarasota Today

A paperless office can be organized, efficient and secure. Sarasota Shredding Service can help you get there. Give us a call at (941) 621-6181 or fill out the form on the left to get free quotes.

Sarasota Shredding Service
200 S Washington Blvd
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: (941) 621-6181